Monday, 18 July 2016

Now that the overnight visits are established and are going perfectly, i wish to make an early start on the next proposal. By doing this now i am hoping we can arrange it ourselves and save on emotional turmoil and expensive lawyer fees. It will also help us get in to the habit as separated parents of making decisions together in a way that will benefit Campbell

This is my proposal. Let me know what you think. I will bring a copy on paper for you to look over when i collect him on Tuesday

10th October 2016 for 24 weeks, 32 hours as currently arranged 

Tuesday 10 am - 6 pm

Friday 10 am - Saturday 10 am 

20 March 2017 increase to 56 hours for 24 weeks 

Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm

Thursday 10 am - Saturday 10 am 

7 August 2017 increase to 72 hours for 24 weeks

Monday 10 am to Thursday 10 am 

15 January 2018 increase to 84 hours 

Monday 8 am to Thursday 8 pm       


Monday 10 am to Thursday 10 am       

Monday 10 am to Friday 10 am  
On a fortnightly rotation

I would hope you would see this as a reasonable proposal and that we could make a start soon in getting things arranged formally. I look forward to hearing your feelings on the matter and am eager to start progressing on this matter as soon as possible 

Kind Regards 