Friday, 25 December 2015


Now that you have played and lost in your childish and malicious games RE Campbell it is time for contemplation.

You hurt me in a manner i would have never dreamed you capable of and your actions were those of an evil person. My love for you, which was once unconditional, disappeared having been washed away ebb by ebb, eroded by the wickedness of your actions against me over these past few months, to the point now where i feel empty about you.

I wish you to reflect on a few things

In the five years we were together i would like for you to weigh up the amount of times that i made you cry and compare that to the amount of times your mum did the same. If you are honest with yourself i am sure you will come to the correct conclusion as to who truly is the controlling and abusing element in your life

Think on that and ask yourself, over the next four bleak days without Campbell in that oppressive and mental household if you made the right decision

Reflect truthfully on the Saturday that ended us [when i went suit shopping for my Grandad's funeral] and ask yourself if being honest with me about struggling to cope on your own with Campbell would have been a better option than to run back to your parents with our child in tow and slapping draconian visitations rights on me [for a 2nd time] as if i was a common criminal. Ask yourself if the practical assistance i gave you that evening was better than the constant reassuring words you seemed to crave

I am sure i could have done things better and i deeply regret not paying more attention to how you were feeling, perhaps i was entrenched too much in the comfort zone and didn't see the signs as soon as i should have. But you weren't brave enough to be honest with me, you never trusted me enough to let me know of your demons and throwing me over for your mums controlling hand was a very weak and child like response to the situation. I also apologise that i was not able to become the spineless clone of your father that you clearly wished me to be

Your selfish and vindictive actions showed a frightening lack of care for mine and Campbells needs and your attempts to separate us and destroy the bond that me and him should have shared the last few months was a disgusting act

Assessing your parents behaviour during this saga, especially during my 60 minutes visits, has been a real eye opener in regards to the mental issues you and your sister have experienced during your childhoods and beyond. I hope that you are good on your vow that you will be moving to a place of your own as i would feel troubled by Campbell being brought up in that environment

On reflection I do find it difficult not to hold other parties respsonsible for us ending up here. Yet at the end of the day you are a 31 year old woman and so it is you who ultimately has to take the blame for ruining our marriage and subjecting Campbell to a childhood from a broken family. Depriving me of being involved in stage one of his childhood was unforgivable and accusing me of abusing you and Campbell was simply wicked. Seeing those boxes ticked made me finally accept that the woman i loved and cherished for the past five years no longer exists

I will see you on Thursday. Please do not try and contact me until then as i need some bonding time alone with our son without your interference. If you do try to illicit conversation you will garner no response from me

I will pay for the divorce and it will simply be a case of you signing it. I have already set the wheels in motion and you should be receiving a letter from my solicitor shortly on the subject.
It should be pretty routine as the Parental rights are now obviously sorted and there is no mortgage, car or major undertakings that need divided

Having loved the person you were as much as i did, I truly am devastated it ended like this
Calum x

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